Európsky Dialóg – European Dialogue (Trnava, Slovakia)

Európsky Dialóg is a non-profit NGO that aims to promote active citizenship, professional media and art, quality youth work, and media literacy in Slovakia and in the EU. The association has five main goals: foster and facilitate youth participation and advocacy; support the development of talents, creativity, and professionalism; raise information, media, and art literacy; inform the young public and tackle misinformation about European affairs; and promote human rights and fundamental freedoms.

To reach those goals, Európsky Dialóg promotes volunteering and solidarity activities that grant young people new competences and promote change at a local, national and European level. Additionally, youngsters are taught about digital literacy to ensure that they become safe and well-integrated internet users who can promote online change.


Udruga Zelena Istra - Association Green Istria (Pula, Croatia)

Green Istria is a non-profit citizen association which is committed to the protection of the environment and natural resources, and works to build a society that upholds principles of social justice. Some of Green Istria’s key goals are sustainable development and environmental democracy.

Within association activities and campaigns, Green Istria has, since 1995, involved around 19.000 learners, including children, young people and adults (citizens, CSO members, staff and public officials) mostly from the city of Pula, Istria region, country of Croatia and throughout the EU. Since 1997, green Istria has been providing the Green phone service – assistance to citizens of Istria County in solving their environmental problems.

Green Istria has extensive experience in applying and implementing projects on national, EU, and international levels. We have so far implemented and contributed to around 100 different projects in cooperation with CSOs and entities from the public and private sectors.


YuzuPulse (Tourcoing, France)

YuzuPulse was created to bring innovative solutions to spark social innovation in areas where IT tools are not always widely adopted, such as social economy and education. The team’s other aim is to encourage social innovation actors to act at the international level, starting with Europe. By supporting social innovation actors to go beyond their local and national borders, we wish to help contribute to the European dream by fostering exchanges of expertise and solutions across borders.

We also regularly collaborate with local schools or the regional Directorate to offer ad-hoc training for teachers and educators.

We are currently developing our first commercial video game, as well as our training offer on gamification and project management.


LogoPsyCom (Mons, Belgium)

Logopsycom originally emerged as a specialised company focused on projects aimed at fostering skill development, professional training, revalidation, and inclusion for young people struggling with disabilities and learning disorders, particularly Dyspraxia, Dysphasia, Dyslexia, etc.

Over several years of supporting schools, vocational education and training centres, educational organisations, young people and their parents, we have created or utilised alternative methods and tools, both digital and non-digital, and honed our expertise to become a hub for educational innovation and inclusion across a wide variety of Erasmus+ projects.

Throughout these activities, our unwavering commitment has been to ensure the accessibility and inclusivity of the materials we generate and pay attention to their environmental impact by delivering digital resources mainly. One of the main topics we’re focusing on is game-based learning, where we are active in delivering online games in digital and inclusive form.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them. (Project code: 2023-3-SK02-KA210-YOU-000183253)